01 Apr We make a stand (and book).
Our distro distribution summer season has kicked off and our stands are being re-stocked with clients’ leaflets and flyers this week. We’re waiting on some nice new stickers to replace the ones that are a little warn from use in an effort to keep our stands looking their best for our visitors.

We’ll get getting them all looking spick and span for April. In an effort to ensure concierges are using your flyers, we’re also distributing flyer directory folders this season, with a page dedicated to each of our 24 distro leaflet stand clients. We looked at creating bound versions but as we didn’t manage to get the artwork from everyone in previous seasons, we did the next best thing with our clients’ interest in mind! Now concierges can easily recommend attractions using our clients leaflets as reference with a handy guide.
With our distro directory, our stands of literature and distribution of What’s On, The Liberty Bus Timetable, Gallery and Islander, our two distro vans will be busy over the summer so if you see Pam or John, give them a wave!